813-358-5543 We run a professional wildlife removal business operating in Bloomingdale, Florida. We service the whole Tampa metropolitan area, and do much of our work in Bloomingdale. We are a full-service
Bloomingdale animal trapping and removal company. We specialize in wildlife only, and are not like a regular Bloomingdale pest control company or Bloomingdale exterminator. We use humane methods to
solve wild animal problems in Florida. We solve the root of the problem, by performing home repairs to keep animals out, and preventative measures in addition to critter trapping
and removal. We offer a variety of services, from animal damage repair to waste cleanup, dead animal removal and odor control, and more. We handle several nuisance wildlife
species, including squirrels, raccoons, snakes, skunks, and opossums. We also perform bat removal and bird control services, and rodent control, including poison-free mouse and
rat removal. Give us a call any time at 813-358-5543 to discuss your Bloomingdale animal control issue, and to schedule a fast appointment.
Bloomingdale wildlife control tip of the month:
Hi David, How do we kill rats without hurting squirrel? I wrote Bloomingdale animal control a while back for basic info about a squirrel
that moved into our ceiling and had babies and have talked to the person you have listed on the site for our
area but we now have another problem. We know where her Bloomingdale animal control entrance point is on the roof but there is no way to
enter the area(flat roof) we had a friend with a camera try to locate the babies but we can't see them, only
hear them--we know the main entry point but what is happening now is that either we have seen about 3 rats now
go into the open area where the squirrel enters. How Bloomingdale animal control do we set out rat traps for the rats without the squirrel
getting caught in them? We are desperate for help as we don't want to hurt the squirrel(we would love to get her
and the babies out of course) but we want the rats Bloomingdale animal control gone ASAP! Thanks so much for your time! Linda - P.S. I guess
the biggest question is since the squirrel and the rats are entering the same place can we set traps for the rats
or will the squirrel also get caught in them? :(
Squirrels might trigger rat traps and get caught. One safe way to go about it is to set live cage traps,
which will catch either squirrels or rats alive. Or you Bloomingdale pest control can have a wildlife trapper set a one-way exclusion funnel
on the hole: http://www.wildlife-removal.com/onewaydoor.html The baby squirrels are up and mobile and can
go out a one-way door or into a trap at just 5 weeks Bloomingdale pest control of age, so they might be old enough by now.
David, This is such a problem because where they are entering is a big jump and sometimes it even takes the momma
squirrel 3 times to make it out( I can see her on camera)--I can't Bloomingdale wildlife removal imagine how hard it will be for the babies--
we have never seen them only heard them. Do people ever fly you to other locations--you seem to be the best expert
anywhere! If you do that, do you have any idea aside from air and accomadations, what it would cost to do that.
We live in Florida and if it was just the squirrel or just the Bloomingdale wildlife removal rats anyone could handle it but wanting to get
rid of one and not hurt the other is a problem :( Before we knew about the rats, we set a live cage but kept it
open so the momma squirrel could feed easily and then we were going to set it to catch her but even fully open
she would never go in--we used peanut butter and bread. It's a large roof area and no access :( Thanks!! Linda
I definitely won't fly anywhere at any price, but I do think that if you put a one-way funnel on the hole,
both the rats and squirrels will have no choice but to crawl out. They have to get food and water.
They just grab onto the end of the funnel after they crawl out, and Bloomingdale animal trapping wrap around, and then they can make that
jump off the roof. Baby squirrels are adult sized at 6 weeks old. If you want to go cage traps, set the trap
on the roof, or bolt to the fascia next to the hole, and set with Bloomingdale animal trapping peanut butter and whole peanuts in shell.
LOL--darn! :( Well, you are probably in big demand everywhere so I understand but we are so desperate we
thought it was worth asking. It's hard to find a removal person Bloomingdale exterminator that is good and HUMANE! Well, thanks again for
all of your help and time--you seem like you are amazing at what you do and a really nice person too :) We will
try and do what you mentioned and hope we can do it. Should Bloomingdale exterminator you change your mind and decide a little working
vacation is in order you have an invitation ;) All the best, Linda
To learn more about our Bloomingdale pest animal removal services, visit the Tampa animal trapping and removal home page or give us a call at